This is really cool so far~! x3
I like the storyline, too :D
Cute doggy! xD
I can't wait to read more~!
And thank you so so much for the dedication, too!!
Haha Good Job ^_^ I Love harvest moon so much, but it takes forever to get the guys/girls to like you -,- I have one game with luke and the other i'm working on Jin...>.< But It's Worth It^_^Haha
Hopes We Can BE Friends
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/09 | Reply
This is really cool so far~! x3
I like the storyline, too :D
Cute doggy! xD
I can't wait to read more~!
And thank you so so much for the dedication, too!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/05/09 | Reply
Good Job ^_^ I Love harvest moon so much, but it takes forever to get the guys/girls to like you -,- I have one game with luke and the other i'm working on Jin...>.< But It's Worth It^_^Haha
Hopes We Can BE Friends
Otakuite | Posted 12/29/08 | Reply
thanks thats so sweet ^^
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/23/08 | Reply
What a cute HM manga ^^ I can't wait to read more~